Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Time Flies

The plan was, roughly six months ago when we got engaged, to sit down in June with a nice bottle of wine and make wedding plans.

Well, here it is the middle of June and we have good news. We picked out the wine. It's been shipped and will arrive later this week. Suffice it to say we're not rushing into anything.

Compared to young brides (and no offense to said young brides) we are moving slow. There is no mad dash to the altar. I feel less media driven as a bride this time around. I don't have to have it all, in fact I'm not sure at all what I really want. Except for, of course, the groom and the ring. Both delight me to no end.

The wine on order, although made in Italy, was selected in Seattle. Rather deja vu since that is right where we began to seriously consider selecting each other as "the one".

Of course, at this particular moment the name of the wine escapes me. But I remember my beloveds name, and of the two that is most important! Time does fly, especially when someone special graces your life.

Right now the planning is in a passive stage, but we're enjoying that. Much like a nice glass of wine.