Sunday, April 30, 2023


I had my Facebook page hacked and cloned about three weeks ago. So, this blog is all about connections. I remember when I first joined social media, my Mom poopoo'd the whole concept of friends across the world and why would I have those kind of "friends" when I didn't have especially close friendships with my siblings. That's another whole blog topic, by the way. 

I also realize that losing a social media account is a first world problem. I understand some people see no value and invest no time in it. For them, that is the right approach. For others (me, for one) it provides an avenue for interaction, sharing life, and life stories, shared interests, support and humor. So, losing those connections was significant. Believe me, I wasn't sure what to do with myself at first. I did a lot of reading to fill the time. A lot.

A small army of friends rallied by reporting that I was hacked. Like an underground railroad of friends working on my behalf, mostly unbeknown to me. There were also many who texted me to be sure I knew of the situation. Friends and extended family alike. I am so lucky to have friends like these.

My account has yet to be recovered. It may or may not happen. So, for me there were many losses beyond that of identity, security and connection. I've begun a new page, and have found as I send friend requests, many delete them because they doubt it's a legitimate request. That too is discouraging.

I've yet to figure out exactly what the lesson is in all this. I'll admit to being leery of the whole situation. Less trusting. And more than a little hacked off. I try to have faith in the process and trust in an unknown outcome. That may be the best we can do on any given day.  I miss the connections, the encouragement, the feeling of belonging. There are some cool people out there. Even if, especially if, I know them through social media. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

That Place That Moment

I was in line at the grocery store recently. The couple in front of me was having trouble with their debit card. You know sometimes there is a bank issue, a glitch in the matrix, insufficient funds, just plain bad juju. Any one of a number of things. It happens to all of us at some point in time. I felt for them. Just as the clerk was going to suspend the transaction, giving the couple time to reach out to their bank, another customer walked over and paid for their items.

Can I just say wow. Random acts of kindness. Generosity played out before my very eyes. The couple who received the gift didn't seem especially moved. Maybe they were simply taken aback, I hope that was the case. I wanted to hug this lady who saw a need and filled it. I want to be more like her. Willing to take action, to bless someone without reservation. Now the flip side is perhaps this debit card issue was a scam the couple was running. It probably happens, which is a sad state of affairs. Either way the couple needed help of some sort.

I could have jumped in to assist. But I was stalled by indecision, the it's not my problem attitude and honestly concern over the expense. How many times have my needs been met even when I saw no way for it to happen. Over and over, I tell you. Over and over. 

Here is my takeaway. Be generous, of spirit, of heart, and if necessary, with the blessings you can share. I came away a better person for being in that place at that moment. I'll never know the exact situation that unfolded. I do know one person gave freely. Amen to that. 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Not So Funny

I had someone poke fun at me because I don't have any "action" in my life. Well, the dogs provide all sorts of action, but not that kind of course. Basically, I was teased for being celibate. Now that's awkward, isn't it? 

The first few times it was kind of funny. You know jokes about "it's been so long since...." "do you even remember what it's like...". I'll admit I laughed. But then it became sort of a running joke, and you know what? Not so funny anymore.

I am celibate. I didn't set out to be. I thought I'd be married and in a monogamous relationship. But life had other plans. So, while I didn't set out to be alone, I am. Such is life. To be teased about it sucks on many levels. There is a distinction here. I can joke of things like this, but others don't have this privilege.

Yes, after a while I verbalized that I wasn't okay with this treatment. Maybe we think someone isn't doing life the "proper" way, or they are missing out, or that it's okay to poke fun at them. In every case of teasing there is some truth. What was projected as funny, was not. Do I need to repeat that?

All that said, I can take a joke, don't get me wrong. But when poking fun, pokes at sore spots, casts a sort of judgment, the joke isn't funny anymore. Words can hurt, use them carefully.