Monday, May 29, 2023

Sweet Grass

When I moved from the country, three years ago, I potted up some sweet grass and brought it with me. It was one of several plants I carried with. Some irises, some rhubarb, and the sweet grass. The rhubarb didn't survive the journey, one iris did, and the grass.  

The sweet grass came from a cherished neighbor, who likely got it in a roundabout way from native Americans. It's all connected through nature and history. When I was frantically packing the last of the last things, I hastily dug some grass and dropped it in an empty pot. It held on through the move, summer, and fall. In the Spring I couldn't even remember what was in the pot. The sparse amount of soil finally gave way to some spindly blades of grass. That seems a fair analogy of my move and the upheaval of it all. A little soil, some roots, an old pot, and a dusting of hope.

It occurred to me recently that it was time to plant to grass where it could thrive. It was growing, but it was confined and didn't need to be. Another analogy of my life? I believe so. Sometimes we are hesitant to put down roots, to explore possibilities, to encourage growth. Sometimes, we need to just dig deep, plant our hopes, dreams and yes, a little bit of sweet grass. All that said it gives me a touch of anxiety to just let it grow. I don't want to lose it. This tie to my other life. But the flip side is if it thrives, I may have enough to share. It may become more than it is. Same for me. 

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Be Safe Stray Dog

The dogs and I encountered a stray yesterday on our walk. Someone's German shorthair was loose. Ironic, right? I walk this area several times a week. I'm like a mobile neighborhood watch with two pointers of my own in tow. 

I watch the gardens come back to life. The people come and go. The new construction taking place. I sort of know who has dogs, which houses you never see anyone, who has pristine lawns. I wonder what their view of the sunset must look like. I wonder what their mortgage payment must be. I wonder if sometime people might stop to chat, but that hasn't happened. They wave as they drive by so there's that. I wonder if they wonder about me as much as I wonder about them. But I digress.

When you are active in rescue, and you see the breed you are passionate about running loose you do your best to wrangle the dog. I tried. I thought I knew where he might at least be visiting, so we backtracked to ask. The stray trailed along. The people there didn't recognize him and although they have dogs, didn't have a leash to share. I lost track of him there and never saw him again. 

We walked the area again this morning, prepared with an extra leash. Fully aware that dog could be miles away by now. I knew another sighting was a long shot. And it was. No luck in finding him. My hope is that he found his way home. Maybe the lesson was that of being willing and opening to possibilities. Isn't that an investment in the karma bank? 

I feel bad I wasn't able to hang on to that dog. Chasing through back yards didn't seem prudent, but I wish I could have done more. Maybe he found his way home. Maybe someone else will help him on his way. Karma is like that. We never know where it leads and how beautifully it will unfold. Until then, be safe stray dog we'll be watching for you.