Thursday, March 7, 2024


This is for the widows/widowers, the lost, those who've endured significant losses, those who struggle with depression, those who are hurting for whatever reason. I can relate. I've walked some of these paths; I know how heavy it weighs.

It's for those who've picked up the pieces and rebuilt a new life they never wanted. And for those looking at the pieces and wondering what the hell to do with them. For those who thought they were all past that only to discover it never entirely goes away. It sneaks up some days and floods you with sadness.

Somedays you can identify what triggered it, sometimes there is no obvious reason. It's a waste of energy to try to figure it out. Why now? It just happens, and you feel like the loneliest person in the world.  

You temporarily lose focus, and your pieces of joy scatter. I had a day like this recently. For no specific reason it was just one of those days. My heart knows I need these days because healing and growth is a lifelong process. Something was being felt and acknowledged even if I'm not exactly sure what. In the bigger picture, something was falling into place.

As the moments washed over me, I had the sense to reach out to a friend I knew could relate. It didn't matter than neither of us could fix it. You can't fix feelings, you have to sit with them, own and release them.  I knew this person could relate and knew that reaching out would make it easier. 

For the times you've been in this place and floundered on alone, for the times ahead that the clouds rain sadness, for the times you wonder can I make it another day. I beg you to connect with someone. Connect, and hold on together. Because sometimes you may be the one in need of love and support. Other times you are the love and support for another in need. This is how we hang on; this is how we grow forward. This is how we connect.