We attended my nieces wedding ceremony over the weekend. When you filter out all the pomp and circumstance you get down to the basics. It is a gathering of friends and family to witness a ceremony of hope.
Of course, we all know what we hope for and what we get are often different. We needed to witness that hope, as I am certain others did as well. It affirmed our commitment and came after a bumpy relational week. Fact is, we all have those times.
They say "in good times and in bad", and that is the gospel truth. Any relationship has red letter days, and days you want to run away from home. Learning to weather them takes time. That must the the "time" that is referenced "in good times and in bad".
Angie and Scott's wedding was just what we needed. Even more beautiful it was just what they needed. We could all use some hope. So what could be better than a ceremony of hope.