Try as I might I'm prone to being human. Hence, mistakes, and booboo's. I goof up, I miss an important detail. I open my mouth and the wrong thing comes out. And, I struggle with myself when I have a truly human moment. Funny, it's easy to celebrate when a moment of brilliance happens. In fact I try to lump them together.
I'm pretty sure the dog's don't find fault with themselves. And if they do, it's not for long. I'll be the first to forgive the dogs, because they are so stinkin cute. I'll be the first to forgive a coworker and say "no worries". It's a life lesson, I know it won't happen again.
But me, I can beat myself up all day and into the night. Raising my hand, owning it. With my next breath I'm beginning a be gentle with myself campaign. You should too.
I distinctly remember growing up and having my Mom say "I thought you knew everything". Perhaps it was during my teen years when I did in fact know everything. But it's an awful feeling to think you are supposed to know everything, and you know good and well you don't. I'm going to let that one go too.
I don't have to know everything, and it's okay to be human. The dogs adore me just the way I am, and I'm going to relish that. They are good judges of character. More forgiving than most, and easily forget my transgressions. What a superb example of acceptance they are. With that thought in mind, I hope to be more like them. So when I do have a human moment, I'll bless it with canine acceptance.