If only we knew. If only we could tell. If only we took time to say, how are you? Really, beneath the surface, how are you. I bet we'd be surprised. I'm just like you, I get busy. Get a little wrapped up in the daily routine and I just plain forget to look deeper.
Perhaps we all need to look deeper. I'd like to look deeper into my creativity, and deeper into my friendships. Both of those areas in my life could use some TLC. I love the solitude of country life. The quiet, the peace, the fact that some days I don't see anyone. But the social girl, the city girl in me needs a strong connection to my support system. I have to laugh, that even after all this time, I'm still settling in. Trying to find my place in my new life.
Where are you in your life, whether it's new, or familiar, or in transition. Are you one step away from opening your heart, or one step from closing it. Are you barely holding on? Are you ready for a leap of faith? Are you hurting? Are you lonely? Are you in the middle of a really long haul? Are you bursting with excitement? Are you worried? Are you scared? Are you filled with peace?
The dogs are always one step away from joy, from adventure, from a good nap, from giving me reason to smile. The farmers are one step away from harvest, and the day is one step away from completion. What are you one step away from? Have you paused to ask deeply? If not, would you be willing to do just that.