I have to wonder sometimes if I will ever fully regain joy and enthusiasm. Was that taken from me on the roads of life? Was it a thing of youth? Do you ever feel this way? I know life is hard, I know I am blessed beyond measure. I know I have more than I ever imagined, more than I deserve. Still sometimes sadness tips the scale.
Then I wonder am I where I need to be, doing what I'm meant to do? I referenced that recently and a friend immediately said, oh yes you are. You were meant to be right here with us. I loved her immediate affirmation. I need to remember that. I know that the biggest moments in life can be miniscule in scope yet enormous in impact. Such is the juxtaposition of life. That said who doesn't need more affirmation?
I am not a thrill seeker, or a risk taker. I really lead a quiet life. Sometimes too quiet, but hey, I am an introvert by nature. A creature of habit. So, I am trying to do new things, or old things differently. Small things that only I will know are different. Little changes in routine, small indulgences to mix it up. It is a conscious effort to experience life differently. Perhaps the key is to really experience life. Be in the moment. I sometimes get lost in moments long gone.
Where are you in this moment of life. Are you struggling? Are you on hold? Are you wishing life was different? Is your faith a bit shaky and your dreams tattered? Are you looking forward with complete anticipation? Are you doing the happy dance? Are you filled with peace and gratitude. It all changes moment to moment. So, it's okay to have one foot in faith and one in fear. To be happy and sad, to feel lost and at the same time found. Life is hard, and life is lovely. And I'm here to share it with you.