It's funny how life changes. You move along a set path that is comfortable and consistent. Until it isn't. People change, situations shift, chapters close. By force of nature, divine intervention, or serendipity a new door opens. Or an old familiar door closes.
Sometimes we don't seek out new opportunities, they just find us. Oddly enough each place I've worked gave me a tenure of approximately 6 1/2 years. How random is that. Maybe every six plus years the big guy upstairs felt the need to stretch me, to move me into the company of others. To bless me with things and people I didn't know I needed. Or to bless others with the gift of me. Life is like that.
Relationships can be like that too. Some last years, some bloom and then fade. Some end abruptly. Some we hold fond memories of, and others leave painful reminders.
Seasons of the year change, seasons of life change, seasons of love change too. I read an article recently where a person was challenged to envision the person they wanted to become. Even envisioning involves change. I can easily make a list of things I'd like to be less of, but things I'd like to be more of isn't as easy.
I think change involves believing, trust and determination. It requires letting go of what was, to embrace what is ahead of us. They say change is good. They say change is hard. They say it won't always be this way. They say the best is yet to come. I do believe they would be right.