This is for the parents who sent their child to school this week who never came home. This is for the families who sent their teacher to school this week who never came home.
And for people whose loved ones chose to end their life, or lost their battle with an illness, were in an accident, murdered, assaulted or vanished without a trace. For the estranged.
This is for those longing to get pregnant as well as those who lost a child during their pregnancy.
This is for those who feel unseen. Who give their all with no affirmation or acknowledgement. Or feel they have nothing of value to give.
This is for our military who serve far from home, sometimes in foreign lands. Who long for home and family.
This is for those with empty hearts, and pantries. For whom hope is a long-lost dream.
For the ones who will always bear the weight of loss and yet carry on because moving forward is a choice made daily.
It is for those whose days are not merry or bright as they move through this holiday season. Those going through the motions as people often do.
This is for you. You are not alone. I see you. Plagued by burdens and sorrow. I know you carry on, sustained by grit, faith and determination. May you find the strength to stay in the moment. To do the next right thing. Whatever that looks like for you.
In this most wonderful time of the year, it's okay question if you'll ever feel that sense of wonder again. It's okay if the days are hard. It's okay to wish for simpler times. It's okay to have human moments. It's okay to be just as you are.
flawed, & (still) worthy.