Wednesday, October 10, 2012

House Warming Gifts

The older I get....  Wait, this sounds like a recurring theme.  I could finish that sentence in a thousand ways.  Cause the older I get the more appreciation, understanding, intuition, wisdom, humor, serendipity, insanity I have.  But I digress.

The older I get, the more I appreciate little celebrations.  No offense to the big celebrations of the world.  They are important too.  We've received two house warming gifts and a card.  They touch our hearts.  A card is "just" a piece of paper in an envelope. However, the envelope holds a shit ton of good wishes and happy thoughts.  Someone cared enough to honor us with love.  Gotta love that.

One of the gifts we received is a load of fire wood.  Literally, a house "warming" present.  Can't wait to use some of that. Nothing warms our hearts like a fireplace, and the gift of comfort from it.  Last but not least, we received an awesome gift box of wine, cheese, fruit and snacks.  Lordy, after moving we needed the extra sustenance.  Beautifully packaged, carefully selected all manner of yummiliscious.

Any way you look at it we've been blessed.  A warm house with gifts of love.  We'll share, you know. C'mon out.  Just look for the little white house on the prairie.  It's special, we're special and we have special gifts to enjoy.   

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