I'm thinking those terms are relative. A good time to me, might be a slice of hell for you. A good time is hanging out in our little house on the prairie and watching the dogs. A good time to you may be the hustle bustle of the big city. Bad times are part of life. They often kick us in the pants when we need to move to a new place in life.
All of us in relationships....and aren't we all in relationships of some sort, have the good times and the bad. Work relationships, friendships, spouses, siblings, neighbors...all of the above. Heck even pack dynamics with the dogs have their moments. There are times you want to throw in the towel, run home to Mom, kick the cat (my apologies to the cats of the world -it's just an analogy). You envy your single friends, who envy their married friends.
In good times it's easy, in bad times we are called to love. In reality we might feel more called to murder at that particular moment, but trust me it's love we need. The challenge is to move towards healing. Because it's much easier to hold onto the pain than to reach out in peace.
At some point you can go back and laugh at the audacity of the situation, giggle at the irony, chuckle at the way it all played out. Give thanks the creek is not deep enough for a body. To make that happen you both have to give a little...and find your way back to the good times.
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