Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Maybe Christmas Is Just A Little Bit More...

As years go, it's been a tough one.  A lost job, impossibly tight finances, disappointments, challenges to our faith.  It gives you cause to dig deep for hope and for gratitude.  And then the holidays came fast upon us. 

As Christmas' go, it's been a different one.  It's not coming with buttons and bows, big fancy tree's, extravagant gifts, who-hoozles and fandangles.  And yet, the Grinch did not steal our Christmas. 

We've discovered our paired down Christmas comes with just a little bit more. More understanding, more love, more acceptance.  Sure, we'd love to come bearing physical gifts, big presents, lavish feasts, delightful surprises.  Instead we come simply, genuinely with thankful hearts and a wealth of love. 

I've be remiss not to admit we've been humbled by the "adventure'.  All along I've said some day we'll look back on this and laugh.  One says that when faced with absurdities.  Some day we'll understand why this journey came our way. Or maybe we'll never know...and that's okay too.

The less you have, the more you realize what has value.  Those who share your journey and love you in spite of it, are the greatest gifts of all.  

So my heart is light and the song in my head is from the Grinch...

Welcome, Welcome
Fah who rah-moose
Welcome, Welcome
Dah who dah-moose
Christmas day is in our grasp
So long as we have hands to clasp

Fah who for-aze!
Dah who dor-aze!
Welcome, welcome Christmas
Welcome, welcome Christmas

Christmas day is in our grasp, so long as we have hands to clasp.  Infinite thanks for holding our hands. We love you for it.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

1000 Gifts

In the midst of hardship comes great gifts.  In times of joy there are also great gifts.  In the middle of this holiday season we are consumed by the thought of gifts. Some are tangible, some are spiritual, some are hilarious, some are hard to even see as gifts. Some come wrapped in festive paper with a pretty bow and some are in disguise.  Nonetheless, I was challenged by a friend to start a list of 1000 gifts that grace our life.  

So we are doing just this.  It's in our kitchen and anyone who visits is free to add to it. Now, I've kept lists before.  Grocery lists, lists of the dogs we've fostered (I can't keep track anymore!)  There are lists of projects to do, plants I'd like for the garden, dates to remember. Laundry lists, lists of things I did and loved.  Lists of things that I did and never want to repeat. There are naughty lists and nice lists. There are bucket lists. Now that's an amazing list to work on. 

A thousand seems like a lot.  But if I've said it once I've said it a thousand times we are so blessed.  We are thinking of lists in a whole new way.  For the record....we are up to 18 things.  Obviously I haven't been giving the list as much love as I should.  I know there are way more.  So it's on my list to work on the list.  Day by day, gift by gift until we reach a thousand.


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Holding It In...Letting It Out.

No matter the circumstances you can only hold it in so long before you have to let it out.  So you might be thinking belches? sneezes? other not so savory bodily functions? Maybe a giggle burst forth at an inopportune time. Maybe you held your breath as long as you were humanly able.  What are you holding in that needs to be let out?  

I can't speak for men, well, sometimes I have been known to try.  Generally speaking I can't speak for men, but I can for women.  Women are sometimes masters at holding it in way longer than we really ought to.  It can be a heavy burden to bear.  

Laughter is a fabulous thing to let go of regularly.  It's one of my favorite things to do.  Nothing better than an infectious laugh.  But the flip side is tears. Sometimes you just need a good cry, and sometimes it's hard to get to that place.  Woman will get that sentence without explanation.  No offense to the men.  

Then there are those times when a situation touches your heart and the tears just come. You didn't plan it, didn't see it coming and whammo the flood gates open. Even in your dismay you realize it is a moment of grace.   If you are truly blessed there is someone to help you mop up, to prop you up and share the burden so you can go on.  And you do go on... a little lighter for letting it out.