Ever notice how when someone asks if you need anything, if you need help, that our first instinct is to say no. At least, I'm this way. It's okay, I've got it. No, I don't need anything. I'll often go without, or do it myself later, and let the offer go. Not that I didn't appreciate the offer, I just have trouble accepting the offer. And yet, I love when I can help someone else. Why can't I love when someone wants to help me? Sometimes I'll go back and say, on second thought, I could really use this, or that. Thank God for second thoughts and second chances.
I read a fabulous line a a book recently. It said "You can be broken or broken open. That choice is yours." God bless Erica Bauermeister for that wisdom. Last I checked all of us get broken at some point in our lives. But it's the broken open part that provides the grace.
It involves two parts. First we have to acknowledge the broken, and then we have to embrace being open.
Think of a time someone said, let me know if I can ever help. That's a tough favor to call in if it's been forever ago. Even if it was yesterday, or last week or months ago. When we are really broken it's hard to be open. We hide behind the broken, because it's discomfort is at least familiar. Ahhh, to warm up to being broken open. To acknowledge growth need not be self isolating. Growth involves nurturing from our selves and others.
Others nurture by virtue of helping. Which in turn heals the broken. Which are you right now? Are you in a broken season, or are you embracing being broken open? Or are you willing to help the broken? Twice recently I initially said no. One to a long standing offer for help, and one a recent offer for help. Twice I've chosen to break open and say yes, be there for me.
If we have to be broken, be broken open. I wish that for me, and for you. I wish that for all of us.
wonderful thoughts, difficult thoughts, growing thoughts. Hugs to you, I understand the thoughts, the pain and strangely enough the peace... love, shelley