There is something sacred about sharing time with a beloved pet. Especially when their days are limited. Yes, I know all our days are limited. We just don't know where we are in the countdown.
Knowing they are close to the finish line, makes the time with them all the more precious. That knowledge pulls us into the moment. Time is short and precious. Animals are always in the moment. They are way ahead of us that way.
I am slowing down to savor time with one of mine. More gentle touches, smooches, cuddles. A greater appreciation for the bond and journey shared. Walks take on new meaning. Yes, of course you can stand and sniff some scent that is bliss to you and undetected by me. Yes, you can have soft food instead of kibble. Yes, I will gaze at you and marvel at how lucky I am to share life with you. No, I will never understand how someone could give you up. Their loss, totally my gain.
I wish I could spend all day with you instead of leaving to spend hours away at work. I would gladly watch you nap the day away. Or watch you lick the couch cover the way old dogs will sometimes do. Or watch your paws twitch as you dream. If only we could see what you dream. I know I'm not nearly as cute when I sleep as you are. You forgive my snoring and I adore your cuddling. Thankfully I am as fascinated with you as you are with me.
So we slow down to take each day as a gift. To be unwrapped and savored. To give thanks that someone decided you were dispensable, so I could discover you were indispensable. I celebrate when you meet me at the door because each day is cause for celebration. You know that instinctively, I need to be reminded. I will meet your needs as they change and love you home when I need to. Until that moment, I will cherish this moment. I am as grateful as you are faithful. You will always give me more than I can give you. In a way, we are both lucky dogs.