Wednesday, September 6, 2023


What is your Superpower? I'd never been asked that question. So of course, my mind went bonkers for a moment. Do I have superpowers? Or do I not. Do I have more than one? How many on average does the average person, if they have superpowers, have? How do you define a superpower? 

You see, it's an intriguing question. Some people's superpower might be always landing on their feet. Or their faith is their superpower. My son said he's pretty good at eating pizza although he's not sure it's a superpower. But it's probably close. My daughter's superpower is knowing just when the food in the oven is done without a timer. So, I know if the kids are home and we're cooking pizza I'm covered. Is loving deeply a superpower? Is laughter? Is compassion your superpower?

It gave me pause to consider those things I'm good at. Things I may even be great at. Things that might just be a superpower. So, think about it, what is your superpower? For the record, I think it's okay to have more than one. It's okay if they are still in the development stages. And if they include pizza, well that's super too. 

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