So, as a city girl, berries came in neat packages at the grocery store. With the exception being an occasional cherry tree or a strawberry patch. Or a backyard raspberry bush. Berries happened, and life, like berries sometimes came neat and tidy. Other times, like this weekend, berries became much more hands on for us.
Enter the Elderberry bush. Last year I didn't have a clue what one was. Didn't know we owned one, what the blossoms were like or when the fruit was ready. Now I know. How does one figure out life and berries? Sometimes you simply need to ask and go from there. I started with a photograph of a random bush with its fruit. Now, truth be told I have never tasted Elderberry anything. But, that will change soon.
Jam is in the works, and it better be good. After stemming elderberries I have a greater appreciation for any plant that has large fruit. Let's just say this it's labor intensive. It's a patience builder, and in a way it's therapeutic. It's especially nice if you have a tasty beverage, and a friend by your side as you stem them.
Someone asked me why I made them my mission this summer. Because they are there, because I've never had them and because I love small culinary adventures. Last year it was choke cherry's and wild plums, this year elderberries.
Isn't that a good enough reason to try something new? Because you can, because you haven't and because life is made up of little adventures. In the end we'll have jam and satisfaction. Both will be sweet from making the effort.
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