Thursday, November 26, 2015


How do you measure gratitude?  Is it by volume, by weight, by the people who grace your table on Thanksgiving or by the way your heart is touched on a daily basis.  How is it defined? Is it the love of four footed furry friends, the support of family and friends, the awareness of beauty in our lives? Is it the blessings that show up when we most need them?

Perhaps it is a byproduct of hurts that bring tears to our eyes. It is, however, a very personal choice. It is what gives us strength to move forward and grace not to look back.

So on this day, and as best I can on every day, I give thanks. For both the joys and the tears. For those things that stop us in our tracks and those tracks that open to unexpected beauty. And for the dogs. Oh, come on, you knew I had to say that! For old dogs, young dogs, dogs who found forever homes, for dogs who have crossed the bridge. For dogs we don't know, but trust will find their way into our hearts and home.

I give thanks and I also wish you gratitude. May it be warm and soft around your heart. May it be light and joyful. May it be a belly laugh. May it be tears of joy. May it be your sunrise and sunset. May it even be present in times of sadness. May it overwhelm it does me.


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