Sunday, December 13, 2015

Saying Yes

Have you ever struggled with saying yes?  Seriously? I have, in fact I'm doing it right now. Sometimes in life we get stuck in the "no's".  No I can't.  No I shouldn't.  Not right now.

Perhaps it's fear that keeps us stuck, or perhaps our faith is shaken and our level of trust is wobbly. It is a path we all walk at some point in time.

This week's struggle came in the form of a new foster dog named Gunther. We knew coming in he was a doll, and easy keeper, a distinguished gentleman in fur.  Much like my beloved Mickey.  Chill, cool and stellar.

Your struggle in this arena might be in saying yes to a new career opportunity, to owning a truth, to taking a risk, to stepping outside your comfort zone.  Saying yes to the unknown.....frankly who isn't scared of that. It takes courage at times to say yes. Yes I will.  Yes I can.  And the flip side is saying No.  No I won't. No I can't.

In this case we've chosen to say yes to Gunther, to adding him to our family as a permanent member. But it has given me pause to consider if my heart is open to the "yes" opportunities life is sending me. So for me, and for you I pray to be open to the good things life is offering.  Take a look around you, they are there waiting to be embraced.

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