For the last couple years our goal has been to add more tree's to our little piece of heaven on earth. Tree's - so many plans, so many dreams. Cherry tree's - tried twice, with no luck. Curly willow's - yup, courtesy of stems rooted that would have been trash at the flower shop. We have two, with plans for more. Apple tree's on the list. Peach tree - check. Thanks to my kids. Last fall we tried to transplant Aspens and an Oak. Fail. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
I cringe when the county comes through and digs up perfectly good tree's that are too close to the road. I hate to see tree's felled for housing developments and farming. No offense to the developers and the farmers. I just love tree's.
We should be more like them. Able to bend with the storms of life. Able to put down roots and reach for the stars. Able to blossom, leaf out and then shed the leaves when the season is over. Many of us struggle with shedding what no longer serves us well. Would that we could give shade and shelter like a tree does.
So today we planted two tree's. That makes us either well ahead of this year's game plan, or way behind last year's. I'm calling it a win. We planted a pine tree in the back yard. We prayed it would grow strong and sturdy. Giving the birds a place to nest, the squirrels safety from the dogs, and the dogs a place to pee. Proof that tree's multitask too. We also planted a Bald Cypress. It's been on my wish list ever since we moved. Now, as a rule I suck at tree identification. But I had a Cypress "in the city" and I loved it. Sometimes you need to bring a bit of those other homes along with you. We named it Marti, by the way. In honor of my mother-in-law who passed on last year. Special memories for a special tree.
I haven't given up on cherry trees, aspens, river birches or oaks. Apples, apricots, pears or another Persian walnut. They are just seeds that will take a little longer to produce. The best part was working together to plant them. Planting them to bless the land. And, trusting they will grace us in the days ahead.
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