Sunday, March 3, 2019

Trains and Automobiles

Years ago, when my coworker was out delivering flowers, she started sending me a picture whenever she had to wait for a train. In our part of the world it happens frequently. At first we laughed about it, but it helped me know about her drive time and whereabouts. In the world we live in feeling/being connected matters. Soon all of the delivery gals would send pic's. They would laugh sending them, I would laugh receiving them.

I've discovered what we did was touching, and loving in it's own way. I still receive train pictures from one coworker, even though we don't have the joy of working together any more. It makes us laugh, and it makes us pause for more than a train passing by.

We pause to honor, to remember, to feel warm fuzzies. We snicker because often there is a red car in front of her. The universe must like red cars. If there is a dog in the picture I award bonus points. Trains are big things, kinda symbolic of life. Life has big things, but it is the little things that touch us.

The roads of life don't necessarily lead us away from good things. More often they bring us closer. As close as a train, a red car, an old dog, and a good friend.

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