Saturday, February 24, 2024

Dear Foster Dog

Dear Foster Dog, I don't know what your life was like before you came here. I know you were a stray. I know you came in with ear infections, skin issues, and had been a Momma multiple times. Pretty sure you'd never had a bath, much less a medicated bath. 

On the plus side, you didn't stress in a crate. You clearly knew what sofas are for. You weren't shy about finding your place on one. Chew toys were bliss, and squeaky toys got a workout. 

I have a million questions for which there are no answers. Did you have a yard to run in? Did you know the comfort of human touch? Did you have any vaccinations? Did you sleep in a clean place with soft blankets? Did you get hit, because I've seen you be a little head shy. 

Dear Foster Dog: I know part of your story. You were kept in a wire crate with 8 other dogs. Covered in feces and urine. With bite marks from stress and being in close quarters. I know you've been a Momma, but don't think you've had treats or the feeling of safety. I see the scars on your face from past trauma. All that and yet you have a sweet trusting demeanor. 

I have a million questions for which there are no answers. Did you have a yard to run in? How many litters have you had? Did you ever sleep in a clean place with soft blankets? Have you ever played with a toy? What kind of person would do this to a dog/multiple dogs? You and I have a lot to learn together, but we have time to do it. You are safe now; only good things await you.

Dear Foster Mom/Dad, I know fostering requires patience and faith. I know there will be accidents in the house. I know you worry if you're doing enough or could do things better. I've seen you give up things in order to foster. Things like your free time, your clean carpet, your blankets that used to be whole. I know each foster dog is completely different so each time you feel like you don't exactly know what you are doing. Because you kind of don't. Each dog has different needs and comes from a different situation. Sometimes we know, often we don't. But and there is always a but, you've done this many times over. You have the support of a solid rescue and many rescue friends, who are always willing to talk you off the ledge so you can help a dog who truly needs a soft spot to land. So, you open your heart and your home to an animal in need. Your resident pets help the process and share your love even though I bet they'd like to not share you quite so much. They help in ways the humans can't. They too were fosters, so they know.

We will have a million questions for which there are no answers. Except for these, will you say yes? Will you take a chance? Will you be the conduit between a homeless dog and a dog that finds a loving home? 

I've been extremely fortunate to be able to foster, I know not everyone can. There are a multitude of ways to volunteer in rescue if you follow your heart. I followed mine and it led me to Buddy, Jackson, Bo, Kobe, Pete, Sidney, Queenie, Buck, JR, Stella, Lil Bit, Wallace, Ryder, Mr. Hanky, Buck (same Buck, different time) Hank Jr., Cooper, Max, Addie, Lady Bird, Sophie, Addie (same Addie, another bounce back), Hobbs, Gunther, Layla, Clarice, Snowflake, Jessie, Gunner, Linney and Karma. Goods saves, great dogs, each and every one. Making a difference, one dog at a time.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

How Does It Fit?

I've been a florist for 30+ years. There is nothing else I'd rather do. And while people often say it must be fun to play with flowers all day, let me say sometimes it's just plain hard work. All jobs, even ones we love, involve hard work. The big holidays in this industry are a marathon of sorts. A big push, with long hours on our feet, hastily grabbed meals eaten standing up, all best approached with humor and tenacity.

I went to work recently and dived into the day. Something felt off, but you know how it is sometimes. You just keep going. I think woman especially do this. Something is not quite comfortable, but you don't have time to sort it out. Perhaps, if we slowed down a minute to think, we'd figure things out. It's that expectation that we have to do more, more, more. So, we try. The older I get the more I realize that I don't have to turn myself inside out to do everything every day. 

Sometimes it's wise to pause and think about how things are fitting.

Case in point, 6 hours into my day I discovered that my leggings were actually on backwards. Hense that nagging sense of discomfort I felt. Did I remedy the problem right away? Oh, heck no. I was too busy. Pushing hard to keep going. Besides, taking time to stop, unlace shoes, take off pants, turn them around, relace shoes seemed like too much work!

Helloooo, what was I thinking? I deserved to be comfortable and not have my leggings in a knot so to speak. It was probably an hour later before I finally took care of my clothing malfunction. 

The good news is I had a "well, duh" moment and took care of myself. Boy did I feel much better after that! The lesson is to pause and listen. Feel how things are fitting and make adjustments as necessary. We can give ourselves permission to do just that. We can, and we should. So glad I did.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Hugs and Pictures

I had someone stop me recently and say I Need A Hug. It was music to my ears. And how powerful is that? I hope and pray my kids learned that from me.  Granted, not everyone is a hugger. But for those of us who are, please ask away. I was happy to comply, because not only did I give a comforting hug I received one in the process. I don't know about you, but I never get enough hugs. Wouldn't it be great if people who were elated said I Need A Hug. Or people who were sad said I Need A Hug, or worried, or get my drift. 

With some people you feel like you might break them if you hug them tightly. Or they want a hug, but not a close one. Like an air kiss to the cheek. Others are all in, warm and fuzzy. Perhaps some are natural huggers, and some are not. Kind of like handshakes, some are strong and welcoming, some are loose and limp. That kind gives me the heebie-jeebies. 

Another thing I love is getting pictures with my kiddos. Like hugs, my kids are something I never get enough of. Same with friends. So, I try to capture those moments with a picture. Sometimes I'll text later and say, dang we missed an opportunity. Pretty sure my kids think this need is silly. If they don't get it now, they will later. Much of life is like that. We don't know until we know, then, wow, we know!

When you're young all of your life is ahead of you. Now that I'm not so young I have a greater appreciation. So perhaps gratitude is behind the urge to capture those moments with hugs and pictures. It's a way to hold onto the moment. Moments precious with people dear. 

If you need a hug, just ask. We'll both be glad you did.