We do what we can. It's both simple and complex. Each person decides what they can or cannot do. Sometimes we can do a lot. Sometimes we can do a little. There are times we don't know how to do, or what to do, but we trust the way will become clear.
For me, doing what I can includes putting ice packs on a foster dog who had a leg amputated yesterday. It's telling him what a good boy he is when he balances on three legs to pee when he used to balance on 4 legs, although one pained him greatly. It's giving pain meds in the middle of the night.
For me, doing what I can is working my butt off to fill orders for a large funeral this week. For me doing what I can includes clipping foliage from own garden to help give the designs that rustic wildflower look the family wanted.
For me doing what I can is taking time to find 5 things I'm grateful for before I go to bed each night. It's texting a friend/friends daily to share the minutia of life. It is sitting down to write, knowing the words will come.
It's sometimes looking past what I don't want to do, or can't, to with the grace of God I can. It's pushing past depression, fatigue, the never ending "I should" things that life holds to I will, I can and I do.
We do what we can. Your list is not the same as mine because your gifts and talents are different. Your worries and burdens weigh differently. Your experiences color your approaches. It is all about showing up. In all the little ways and sometimes in the big ones.
Show up, trust in the process, do what you can.
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