Monday, September 2, 2019

I Get By With A Little Help...

You know the Beatles song. I bet just saying the name got your toes tapping. Lately, I've been feeling especially blessed by the help of my friends. This comes from someone who is not good at asking for help. Who does without, or makes due on a regular basis in the name of "I'm ok", "I've got this", "it can wait", "it's not a big deal". I'm that person. I'm the person who holds it all together and then it seeps out in tears on my drive home. You know that about me.

At times it's much easier to push away than it is to pull in. There is a time for both. I have a friend who encourages me daily. Sage advice she gives. Like drink the wine, rest is important. Good stuff like that. She reminds me that we are meant to ask for help. Our skill set is limited. Brilliant in some regards, but limited as we can't be good at everything. How's that for a lesson?

Let me also say it's hard to ask for help...because it's so humbling. It leaves you vulnerable, feeling insecure and there is a risk of rejection. Like somehow you failed because you couldn't do and be everything. Who could? Such a huge expectation of ourselves, to handle it all. An impossible expectation. Definitely one to release and leave to God. 

It's funny how we long to living independently, but can only do so comfortably within a community that loves us. A community that rallies around us, who shows up for the dirty work, who generously shares their time, talent and treasure. A group of people who explain their generosity simply by saying it's what friends do, it's what neighbors do, it's what family does, it's what I believe in doing. And they give you what you need. They fill in the holes of your skill set with gifts of love. For that, for you, for all you do for me...I am ever so grateful. 

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