Saturday, January 18, 2020

It's's okay.

How lucky I am having something that makes saying goodbye so hard. ~Winnie The Pooh

Pooh had it right. I've been saying a lot this week, talking myself through the challenges, saying goodbyes, saying I love you's, saying thank you's, saying in God's time not mine, saying "self, it's okay to not have every little thing perfect". Saying....this is so freaking hard...and, it won't always be this way.

But, and there is always a but, in this moment it's hard. I recognize that, I honor that, I own that. I kept figuring others would understand how hard this feels, and then I remembered they can't possibly know. They aren't me, they see from the outside in, and I feel from the inside out. They bless me, they prop me up and give me hope, all of which I need. What a gift to myself to realize this. Another thing to be okay with. Life offers so many of these opportunities.

It's okay to be in transition, it's okay to not know all the details of what's coming next. It's okay to do my best and accept it was not perfect. It's okay to step back in thanksgiving, in gratitude. It's okay of acknowledge the weight of the grief that has been part of my journey. It will go with me where ever I go, and, it won't always weigh this heavy.

I sometimes forget to add the....and...part. I get stuck in the moment. Things seem permanent when they are in fact temporary. I'll look back on this time and laugh, I hope! I'll wonder why I worried so much. I'll give thanks. I'll see the good that came of pushing through hard times. And, the value of owning the difficulty, but not getting stuck in it.

When you love deeply it's hard to say goodbye. So sometimes goodbyes are simply I'll see you soon. I'll remember you well, I'll treasure this time. I'll miss your face. You were a blessing to me. 

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