Saturday, February 13, 2021

Self...I love you.

Feeling love is one of the most important emotions in life. Now, I used to consider romantic love as the be all and end all. Until I became a parent, and then love took on a whole new meaning. I used to love animals in a generic manner, until I owned a dog, then another dog, and get my drift. They deepened my love in a whole different way. Then there is love from my friends that has evolved over the years. The love of my faith and how it sustains me.

Learning to love is both simple and complex. Learning to love yourself is the same. I can think of a hundred things I love, my kids, dogs (put on your surprised face), flowers, home grown tomatoes, candles, adult beverages, pizza, campfires, watching thunder storms roll in. I love flannel sheets and cool breezes. I love cooking and entertaining. I love the gift of words that God puts in my heart and nudges me to share. I love how blessed I am. I love hugs.

Somewhere in the mix I have to love me. Not only love me, but tell me. Self? I love you. Self, you are a good person. Self, you made a mistake and you are still a good person and I still love you. Self, it's okay to dance in the kitchen to Love Shack. Self, we can do this. Self, it is okay to cry. Self, you are okay. Self, tequila in moderation. 

Now I know, because I'm a florist, that Valentines Day is a huge romantic push. I cherish the times I've enjoyed celebrating that way. But, and there is always a but, I'm learning to move past the romantic view of love, to a more realistic view of love. It is not limited, it is not only for some and not for others. It is not just for couples. It is a gift we give and receive. It comes in many shapes and sizes. It grows from small seeds scattered seemingly by the wind in places we would never expect. 

So I offer you this gift. Tell yourself. Self...I love you. Then spread that love everywhere. 

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