Sunday, April 17, 2022

He Is Risen

It is a day to revel, ponder, grieve, embrace and celebrate that He Is Risen. Most of us connect this amazing verse to our faith life. Some may not have a faith base and wonder at the meaning. Even with a strong faith base we try to wrap our heads around it.

Rising is something bread does. It's something we do each morning God willing. It's a process from sitting to standing. It's stepping up to a challenge. It's what hope does. It lifts us from one place to another, spiritually, metaphorically. Rising is any forward movement towards engaging in life and the blessings it brings us.

It's not a holiday for those who've lost a loved one without a grief wave. The memory of those who gave up on life, who chose not to rise. Or who's illness, or other tragedy, took away their ability to rise. For days the loss may be somewhat in the shadows, only to rise into our hearts again on a holiday, anniversary or a random Tuesday for no specific reason. 

Does it mean we don't celebrate today, or any other day? Nope. We have equal measures of joy and sorrow. Well, hopefully equal measures. Sometimes it takes a while to get to that point. Balance is, if nothing else, subject to change. A goal, not a destination as we grow and change.

So may you rise today. May you grasp life with both hands and embrace it. May you grasp another's hand if your personal grip feels tenuous. Or if someone you know is faltering reach for theirs. May you ask for help when you need it, feeling no shame. May you hold fast knowing it may be hard, but you are not alone and definitely equal to the task.

May you rise as best you are able in faith, confidence and joy. He Is Risen, so we can too. 

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