Thursday, December 19, 2019

Little Things

I seriously considered if I should be writing a blog post or a country song, but my musical ability is sketchy, so a blog it is.

In this season of magic, when it seems the world is out shopping for large extravagant Christmas gifts, my pick-up truck died, my glasses broke, the top half of my fridge stopped working and my dawg got skunked. Not to mention the political unrest, the desire to be more and better, the stress of working retail and a longing to have a magic wand to make it all right. 

So here are a few key words: desire, stress, all right. I'm going to turn them around into this: I desire to be all right with my stress. 

Here is where I am with it. There are no "magic wands", but there are friends and family who support you in ways you never see coming.

I will always wish I could give my kids a gift the size and scope of my love for them. Every birthday, and at Christmas, I wish I could give them more, give them better. I feel much like the Little Drummer Boy lately. All I have to give is a simple, sincere give of love wrapped in my God given talents. They say my gift is enough, yet I wrestle with that. I need to embrace that, rather than wrestle with it. Maybe you do to. Repeat after me. I am enough, my gifts are enough. 

The things I struggle with are sorting themselves out. They always do, yet I often forget that. When I can't measure the progress, I wonder if there is any. Most of them, in the distance, will be laughable moments. I just need to get a little distance. In the meantime, there is a second fridge in the mudroom, new wheels in the driveway, super glue holding my glasses together until I get new ordered, a slightly stinky dawg, and a lingering mustiness to the house. This too shall pass.  

It shall pass because I have way more blessings than challenges. Even challenges are blessings. It shall pass more easily if I remember the reason for the Season, and be, really Be that Little Drummer Boy. Give with what talents you have. Be open to the gifts of love that come in a thousand different ways. Remember it's not what happens to you, but rather how you respond that matters most. 

Life, and the holidays are a series of little things. Good little things, hard little things, funny little things, sometimes smelly little things. Little Drummer Boy things.  

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