Monday, December 2, 2019

To My Village

They say it takes a village, and indeed it does. My villages are diverse, my family and friends village, my crazy dog lady village and the larger crazy dog rescue village. My village of floral friends, Facebook friends, survivor of suicide loss friends and my little rural village friends. 

It takes all these villages to keep me safe, healthy, loved and cared for. You, yes you, make life and growth and love possible for me.  I won't deny that life has been hard lately. This second year of grieving has been intense. People say the second year is worse, and I'd agree. I've struggled emotionally, financially, and my faith gets a little shaky occasionally too. I try to make due, to go without, to live a simple life without many indulgences. But, and there is always a but, I have big big love pulling me forward. Well honestly, sometimes you have to really push me forward. Even drag me kicking and screaming forward.

My default mode has always been to do with less, go without, make due, and accept less. My middle name should be hunker down and ride it out. I'm can do that. That's not necessarily a good thing. I need to be embrace joyful anticipation. I need to allow light to wash over my life, my faith. I have faith, I don't always live like it though. 

I can turn the thermostat low in the house, but I can't do that with my heart. I have to let people in and that involves being open to the gifts they chose to lavish on me. I am amazed by the love God provides for me in the form of kindnesses and support from my villages. You humble me. You make my eyes leak, I know, put on your surprised face!

I forget who I belong to and succumb to worry and fear. I hold in, instead of reaching out. 2 Timothy 1:7 says it all...For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Power, love and a sound mind. All that, and my villages. What an impressive, amazing roster of love. Amen to that, and bless you for being my village.

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