I know there are a bajillion details involved in creating a wedding ceremony. Ahhhh, so many details. Almost as many as in building a working relationship with your intended, if I had to hazard a guess.
As much as I hate to say it, women sometimes get going in steam-roller mode when planning a wedding. I see it first hand working in the business. This is not a complaint, more of an observation. I love what I do, and I love the beautiful product I get to work with. The whole wedding process can become an obsession, and I worry what life will be like after the ceremony is over for some of these brides. It is probably a big let down, when it should be a great, daily, celebration.
Looking at the wedding process after 18 yrs of marriage and 10 years post divorce, I do have a different perspective. It's not so much the details of the ceremony as it is the details of enjoying daily life with one another. It's not the shade of pink the flowers are, or the color of the dresses, it's not the lettering the napkins are printed with. It doesn't matter if every little thing matches.
We/they prepare for the big day, and sometimes forget about the life after that big day. Granted we need some fairy tale moments in life. We long for magical moments, even romantic moments. Sometimes we get challenging moments, grief filled moments, bizzare moments, and most definitely laughable moments. All of this is part of life.
Weddings are not exactly reality based are they? But they bring us together and honor a special union. They are the first day of the rest of our lives, worthy of celebration on that day, and every day thereafter.
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