Friday, February 28, 2020

Less Alone

Little-by-little, if we are willing to let them, people will step in to walk alongside our pain, or our joy, our hopes and dreams. Everyone has pain, joy, hopes and dreams. Life has it's seasons of each of these. Sometimes we keep it deep inside until we can't hold it any longer. Until the pain is unbearable. Or, until the joy can't be contained. Until our hope is shaken and needs bolstering. Until our dreams need a voice to come into fruition. These things are meant to be shared. 

Funny (not funny really) how hard it is to share the things that weigh so heavy on our hearts. Joy? That's easy to share. Hopes? Sometimes easy, sometimes hard to share. Dreams require a certain level of safety, of comfort to share. Grief is so very personal that it can be extremely difficult to share. Grief has a different face every day, and people may or may not have the life experience to empathize with it. And...that's okay. Sometimes we can walk down parallel paths and get it. Sometimes we need to be on the same path to understand. Sometimes all we need to do is reach out, even if we don't completely understand. Sometimes wanting to understand is half the battle.

I've been sharing lately my struggles, my grief, my uncertainty. I, who thought the heaviest of grief happened long ago, have been taken aback. By the depth of my grief, and of the volume of your support. One extreme to another blessed by love and grace. Holding it in does no good. Sharing it divides it, and opens us to love and support. It also, I hope, sets something free in you. Opens up your heart to feeling, to sharing, to understanding. 

The irony of all this, is that for years I never used my voice. Never used it to say how I felt, to set strong boundaries, to own my feelings, to speak my faith. It was never safe to use it, express it, share of it. I've come a long way and have a long way to go.'s hard. And...sometimes I stumble. And...sometimes I get confused. Sometimes I forget how to use it, until I remember how again.

Maybe my words help you discover something of value, something that needs healing, something that needs sunlight and warmth. Perhaps that is exactly why I write, and you read. For mutual growth, for understanding, so we each feel less alone. Less alone is a very good thing. Let's push for less alone. 

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