Why is it that every girl dreams of wedding dresses from the time she is a tot? The magic, the fantasy, the princess for a day feeling.
But what if you get a second chance to be a princess? Why does it feel so funny to shop for a second wedding dress? Just because I'm not a blushing bride anymore doesn't mean I don't long to be a beautiful bride.
I went shopping with a girlfriend who is also remarrying. We tried on dresses. Something in me didn't even feel worthy of a wedding dress. Of the hundreds of dress' on the racks there were perhaps 10 dresses total semi-suitable for a more "mature" bride. Of course, part of me snickers even at the term mature bride.
The "Mother's" dresses and the special occasion dresses weren't pretty enough, and the "wedding dresses" weren't, dare I say it.....age appropriate. Egads, I'm in a niche with nothing to wear!
I have to admit some is a confidence issue. Maybe a little of it is a lingering feeling of shame the first marriage didn't last. Funny how long those feelings can haunt you. Why is it one would't think twice of getting a second engagement ring, but having a second dress for that second wedding is out of my comfort zone?
So many thoughts to ponder. So many possible outcomes. So many opportunities to shop, so many options for celebrating ones second chances. I don't know the answers. For right now I don't need to. I just need to be willing to try things on, even dresses, to find the right fit.
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