So it's count down time. It's gearing up time. It's pay the balance time. It's a bit of a weepy time. It's almost wedding time.
In the something old category - well, besides the bride that is. I have the pleasure of using vintage footed cake plates to serve cake at our reception. I'll be using my Mom's and Reno's Mom's cake plates. It doesn't get any better than that. I love the vintage look, I love including treasures such as these to grace our event.
Something new, well that is an easy one. New hopes and new commitment. New directions and new challenges. Bottom line, we are renewing our faith in marriage. Kind of a good thing at this time in our lives, huh?
Something borrowed - hmmmmmmmmm. I believe I'll borrow some strength to get me through the next two weeks. Does anyone have any they'd like to lend me??
Something blue....I'd be lying if I said I haven't had some weepy, blue moments recently. It goes with the preparations, the stress, the challenges of getting married, getting a house ready to sell, leaving a job and moving to a new city. Have I mentioned I'm a wee bit emotional these days?? I'm also very excited and slightly terrified.
So yes, I'm counting. Counting down, counting on things being better than we dreamed. Counting on sharing and celebrating. Counting on my best friend to meet me at the altar in just about two weeks.
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